All our reactions are in balance, which ensures the smooth functioning of the whole organism. Under the influence of stress during gambling in the best online casino Australia, fine tuning gets lost, disrupting the normal functioning of all organs and systems. The first to suffer are the nervous, endocrine, and immune systems. Eating a healthy diet can help maintain balance, so it’s important to stick to a stress diet.

How foods and gambling stress are related
We are accustomed to the fact that food is only building material for our cells. But products are able to more subtly influence the work of metabolic processes. Food is capable of both aggravating chronic processes and helping to improve the general condition. Including the development of stress.
If you are a gambler, stress forces all systems to activate. The body begins to work literally for wear and tear, which shakes the established balance. This defense mechanism is called “fight or flight” and is regulated by adrenal hormones. Modern stressful situations do not require an aggressive response, and protective factors begin to negatively affect the digestive, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. Long-term stress can even cause gastrointestinal ulcers.
Research from the American Institute of Nutrition has found that certain foods can help reduce anxiety and stress in the body. A properly formulated healthy diet can alleviate the course of stress, neuroses, and panic attacks.
What foods does the nervous system need after a round of gambling?
Eating during times of stress should not overload the digestive tract. The menu should be made taking into account the digestibility of products, as well as the composition of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates.
Top 14 foods against stress
- Meat – animal proteins contain essential amino acids for the body (phenylalanine, tryptophan) that affect the synthesis of hormones and neurotransmitters. In order not to overload the digestion, it is worth choosing lean varieties (turkey, chicken, beef).
- Fatty fish is a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids, iodine, phosphorus.
- Kelp – with global iodine deficiency in the population, seaweed is a valuable source of it. In addition, the product contains B vitamins and pantothenic acid, which is responsible for the construction and development of cells in the nervous system.
- Dairy products are necessary for the intake of phosphorus and calcium into the body.
- Whole grain cereals – provide energy for cells, due to the high content of complex carbohydrates. Porridge is a valuable source of vitamin B and promotes the synthesis of serotonin in the body (oatmeal is especially famous for this).
- Green vegetables – these include spinach, lettuce, all types of cabbage, green beans. Foods are rich in B vitamins, helping to strengthen the central nervous system.
- Tomatoes are natural antidepressants due to their high content of tyramine (a substance that converts into the hormone of joy).
- Fruit – contains antioxidants, potassium, and a whole group of vitamins. Citrus fruits also contain essential oils that are used for soothing aromatherapy.
- Spices – activate the digestive tract, plus they raise the mood by actively affecting our olfactory receptors.
- Honey – during emotional upsets, everyone is drawn to sweets. The best way to satisfy this need is to add a teaspoon to tea or curd.
- Nuts are a rich source of fatty acids that help nourish the brain and improve memory.
- Chocolate – actively promotes the production of endorphins. The best choice is over 75% cocoa.
- Tea – green tea is especially useful. It is a powerful antioxidant that improves brain activity. Scientists in Israel highlight the important role of tea in the fight against Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. It should be borne in mind that overly strong tea, on the contrary, causes excitement.
- Avocado – Contains high amounts of vitamins B6 and folate, which are involved in maintaining calmness.
The main thing, when choosing food for stress after gambling, is not to forget about drinking pure water. Sufficient fluid intake maintains an optimal blood composition in the human body, accelerates metabolic processes, and also prevents the development of dehydration.
Fact: By the way, it’s not just food that relieves stress. Replacing the usual coffee with natural juice during stressful situations, you can gently activate mental activity. It is good to drink decoctions of chamomile, mint, and ginger against stress.
What products should be discarded?
When composing a menu, pay attention to the way you prepare the dishes. Fried, fatty foods inhibit the digestive tract, impairing overall well-being. It contains large amounts of harmful cholesterol, leading to atherosclerotic deposits and poor circulation.
Give up alcohol. Calming down after alcohol enters the body is a temporary effect. Fighting depression with ethanol will only make your mood swings worse. Nicotine has the same effect, only, unlike alcohol, it constricts blood vessels, impairing the work of the brain and the cardiovascular system as a whole.
Do not get carried away with confectionery. A large amount of sugar causes a spike in the production of joy hormones. Then comes the “rollback” phase, exacerbating the state of stress. In addition, the pounds gained during stress due to impulses of “seizing” melancholy are unlikely to add joy.
Chronic stress needs support with beneficial micronutrients. Lack of adequate nutrition triggers aging reactions and the formation of chronic ailments. The inclusion of “anti-stress” products in the menu will help maintain the body’s activity, and even prevent depression!